"The simple truth is that if you had a mere kernel of faith, a poppy seed, say, you would tell this mountain, 'Move!' and it would move. There is nothing you wouldn't be able to tackle."
Matthew 17:20 NIV
“You’re not going with us Lord? Aw shucks! Why not, Lord?”
“I’m going up to the mountain. Got to pray… be alone with
Father. And there’s more…but you’ll see. Now get to the other side of Galilee. I’ll join you later. But remember, you’re never out of my sight!”
All night Jesus was in prayer and He saw. He saw the disciples in a huge storm. Didn’t He care? Where was He anyway?
But He was up to something—for sure! What He does next is unbelievable. He came to them walking on the water. How could He do such a miracle? He had been praying—on the mountain and a “mountain” moved for the disciples to see the Lord’s glory.
More prayer
Peter was a disciple of Jesus. Miracles happened because Peter walked with God. But the government officials didn’t like it and threw him into prison. He was chained and guarded by soldiers. But while Peter slept, the church kept praying and an amazing thing happened. An angel woke Peter up, “We’re out of here—now!” They went through the gates, and into the city street. Peter then knocked on the door of the house where the Christians were praying for him.

You’re the warrior
You—are the warrior. You hang out with the King of Kings. You’re His. Go to battle and pray like you’ve never prayed before! You can move a mountain too. The Lord is with you and remember—you’re never out of His sight!
Dear Lord,
Show me how to pray today. I want to change my world!