Still Want Me, Jesus?...But I Have Sinned!
“Deny you three
times…before the rooster crows? Never, Jesus! I ‘m here for you!”

Jesus would be hung on a rugged cross and die a wretched, death. Soon the
preachers would mock Him, the Son of God, as He died to forgive their sins.
Soon Satan, the prince of darkness, would lift his goblet of wine and celebrate
the death of his arch enemy.
before the first nail pierced the hand of the Savior, Peter, the devoted
disciple, denied ever knowing Him.
He stood with others, warming himself at the fire pit.
know who you are! You walked with this Jesus of
you out of your mind, crazy? I don’t know that man.”
belong to Jesus. I can tell by the way you talk.”
up, woman. This Jesus is a stranger to me.”
seen you with Jesus!”
registered on Peter’s face. “I don’t know this Jesus #$@&%*!”
And the
rooster crowed. Peter remembered the words of Jesus. Running
from the crowd he fell on his face in the dirt of the
God knew. He knew Peter would tell
the world about Jesus. Peter had fallen—needed to change. And when Jesus arose from the dead Peter turned to Jesus and asked forgiveness. Read Peter’s words below.
the world about Jesus. Peter had fallen—needed to change. And when Jesus arose from the dead Peter turned to Jesus and asked forgiveness. Read Peter’s words below.
"Now it's time
to change your ways! Turn to face God so he can wipe away your sins, pour out
showers of blessing to refresh you”
what Peter did. He humbled himself. And God who is rich in mercy picked him up
and wiped away all of Peter’s tears!
Lord, I humble myself before You. I have sinned in this _______________. Please
forgive me. Thank you. I love You so!