Saturday, October 25, 2014

Still Want Me, Jesus?...But I Have Sinned!

Still Want Me, Jesus?...But I Have Sinned!
 “Deny you three times…before the rooster crows? Never, Jesus! I ‘m here for you!”
And as Jesus was handcuffed and taken away, Peter fled in fear. He ran to the palace where Jesus would be put on trial.

Soon Jesus would be hung on a rugged cross and die a wretched, death. Soon the preachers would mock Him, the Son of God, as He died to forgive their sins. Soon Satan, the prince of darkness, would lift his goblet of wine and celebrate the death of his arch enemy.

But before the first nail pierced the hand of the Savior, Peter, the devoted disciple, denied ever knowing Him.
He stood with others, warming himself at the fire pit.

“I know who you are! You walked with this Jesus of
“Are you out of your mind, crazy? I don’t know that man.”
That’s once!
“You belong to Jesus. I can tell by the way you talk.”
“Shut up, woman. This Jesus is a stranger to me.”

That’s twice!
“I’ve seen you with Jesus!”
Fury registered on Peter’s face. “I don’t know this Jesus #$@&%*!”
That’s thrice!
And the rooster crowed. Peter remembered the words of Jesus. Running from the crowd he fell on his face in the dirt of the
earth—and wept—bitterly.
But God knew. He knew Peter would tell
the world about Jesus. Peter had fallen—needed to change. And when Jesus arose from the dead Peter turned to Jesus and asked forgiveness.  Read Peter’s words below.
"Now it's time to change your ways! Turn to face God so he can wipe away your sins, pour out showers of blessing to refresh you”
Acts 3:19
That’s what Peter did. He humbled himself. And God who is rich in mercy picked him up and wiped away all of Peter’s tears!
Dear Lord, I humble myself before You. I have sinned in this _______________. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love You so!

Saturday, October 18, 2014

The Friend?

The Friend?

“I don’t like selfish girls!”
Joy was crushed. “Why was this text sent to all my friends...about me?”

But Teresa was mad—didn’t get her way, so—she got even!

This was back stabbing—unfair—a jealous lie. The last thing Teresa wanted were

good things for Joy.
Teresa sang one song, “What about me, what about me, what
about me!”
It was her song in the morning, at noon and at day’s end. Selfish people lack humility. They’re all about themselves. They make bad friends. Beware— stay far………………………………  away!
Joy was mad but what could she do? She had to trust God with her reputation. And the people who knew Joy, who knew Teresa—got
it! True friends—remain friends. Why?
“A friend is always loyal, and a brother is born to help in time of need”.
Proverbs 17:17
A different sort of friend
Paul persecuted the early Christians. With his permission Christian were stoned to death. “I’ve got to stop Christianity. Put these fanatics in their place. I’m doing God a favor.”
But one day he was blinded by the sight of the glorified Christ and from that day till the day of his beheading he was a friend of God. Paul had changed, overnight! But who would believe?
God had a plan.
Barnabas believed. “Hey Peter, John, James, meet my friend Paul. He’s on fire for Jesus. I’ve been following him…so should you.”

And that was the ticket. No longer looked upon as a traitor—no longer regarded as a murderer—Paul—was one of them.
v  What’s a true friend?
·         Humble
·         Cheers—for you
·         Defends you—no matter what
·         Keeps secrets
Barnabas believed in Paul—promoted him. That’s true friendship.
Barnabas was called “The Son of Encouragement.”  Humble, but oh so loved, the life of Barnabas was all about Jesus…all about others.  He was a friend that stuck with you through the bad—through the good!
Dear Lord, Give me a friend like Barnabas. And Lord, make
me a good friend for others.  Thank you!

Saturday, October 4, 2014

A Reputation Lost

A Reputation Lost?

Something was up! Joseph knew it. Heads would turn and whispers were exchanged when he came near.
“Hey, Joseph, get your head out of the sand, your Mary’s pregnant! “
“That’s can’t be true. You’re lying!”
“See for yourself, Joseph. Her belly’s popping.”
Joseph hung his head. Daggers hit his heart. His so called friends were smirking
at him. He was a broken man.  
“So…what are you going to do…marry her anyway? What about your reputation?”
Joseph was cut to the heart. Anger came next. What’ll I do? If I marry her I’ll be called a fool! I’ll be labelled forever!
He knew the rule. A woman caught in adultery should be stoned—to death.
“Lord, I can’t do that. You’re a God of mercy. Oh, Lord, I feel so alone. Please help me!”
The light was incredibly bright, almost blinding. Joseph shaded his eyes while
glow of angel dust filled his room. “Do not be afraid, Joseph. Mary is pregnant with the Messiah. Marry her and call his name Jesus.”
“Oh, Lord, people will still talk. Who will believe? But
I do! I’m going to marry that girl!”
And Joseph took off running and knocked on the door of the girl he loved.
Looking into her dear face, tears welled up. “Mary, I know!”
Mary cried too. “Dear Joseph, you’ve laid down your reputation for me.
Are you sorry?”

Joseph framed her face with his large carpenter hands. “No regrets, Mary." I saw heaven open. I cannot deny God. He has my reputation.  He’ll cover me.  In time… the world will know!”
A man humbled himself before God—and the whole world knows the rest of the story!
Dear Lord, I'll follow matter what they say!