Saturday, September 27, 2014

Great People are Humble before God

                                                       The Fool

David was outraged! “Who is this Nabal? We were a wall of fire around his shepherds, his flocks. We laid down our lives against invading robbers.
“This is the thanks we get? No sharing in Nabal’s feast
tonight?  Nabal treats me and my men like dirt, the scum of the earth. This means… war!”

But Nabal’s wife heard the news. Abigail loaded up her donkeys with fig and raisin cakes, bread, corn on the cob and lamb stew for David and his men. She sneaked away and met David who was on his way to slaughter all that belonged to Nabal.
Abigail fell down on her face. She had heard of David’s flight from a murderous King Saul. She had heard the stories of his
bravery. She knew, David was a valiant man.
“My lord David, do not take vengeance on my husband. He is a fool, mean and contemptible… so true. God will avenge you. “
David halted, soaked in her wisdom—her loveliness as well. “Such a sweet lady!
How’d she ever get hooked up with Nabal?”
 Abigail took the sword out of David’s hand that day. She was right. God would get even.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch…
Nabal was in his glory—another successful sheep shearing. Drunk with wine he partied far into the night.
In the morning—Abigail told all!
Like lightening bolting from the sky, Nabal’s heart was struck. Terror hit hard. Ten days later it was all over. Nabal, the wealthy, wicked
farmer was dead!
Ten is the number of completion, perfection. God gave Nabal time to change—plenty of time. That's the true heart of God. He takes no pleasure in the death of a sinner.
God loves humility. He wanted to save Nabal. But humility never came and a man consumed with himself lost everything—most of all—eternity with God!

“God brings down the proud and saves the humble.”
Job 22:29(GNT)

Saturday, September 20, 2014


Called to Greatness...Called to Impact! 
Great Men are Humble before God

“I know how bad I've been; my sins are staring me down.’
Psalm 51:3 (MSG)
David was bored and when he saw beautiful Bathsheba bathing—that was it!

“Oh, baby! She’s what I need. Married to me? No.
Married to another? No bother. I’m king. I can do anything.”
“Get me that girl… tonight!”

And Bathsheba came—like a little lamb. David took one look at
her, pulled her
into his arms, kissed her lovely face, and crossed the boundaries of
holy matrimony.
It didn’t matter that Uriah, Bathsheba’s husband, was in battle that very night
risking his life for his king. David got what he wanted!
The plot thickens. “David, I’m pregnant.”
The cover up
“General Joab, send Uriah home. He needs time at home…with his wife.”
“Sir, yes, sir!”
Uriah came home but slept outside the king’s gate. “Why aren’t you home?”
“Enjoy my wife while all the army of Israel camps outside in the open field?”
David fussed, “Lordy, Lordy, some sticky situation. How can I come out smelling like a rose?”
“General Joab!”
“Sir, yes, sir!”
“Put Uriah the Hittite on the front line of battle when the fighting gets tough.”

And so a noble soldier fell in battle and David made Bathsheba his wife.
But God saw
Nathan, the prophet, was listening. “What’s that you say about David, Lord?”  
Nathan packed his donkey and headed for Jerusalem.
“David, you have sinned against God! Much trouble will come to your family.”
“Aw, come on God. I just wanted a little fun. You made me this way. Others have done far worse.”
David didn’t say that! He made no excuse.
 He fell on his face. 
“Against you only have I sinned and done this evil in your sight.”
And God forgave David—immediately!
King David was called a man after God’s own heart. Why?—because he humbled
himself before God.
        Guilt had hung over him like a club.
                      He was tired of pretending.
          He wanted to be close to God—again. 
He repented!
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         This is greatness—humility before God for sin.
Dear Lord, Please forgive me for this sin_____________. I was wrong.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

The Girl Who Said--Yes

The Girl Who Said—Yes!

“Do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?’

“Oh, I do, I do, I do!” And Joseph lifted the veil and kissed her tenderly!

Mary awakened. It was only a dream…a dream that would never happen. A dream  she said no to—the day she said yes to  God.
There would be no wedding dress, no bridesmaids, no
flowers…only whispers that suddenly hushed when Mary came near. And would Joseph desert her, mock her to his buddies? Maybe he’d find another girl who wasn’t pregnant, one with a sterling reputation. Who could blame him?

But Mary couldn't stop thinking of the angelic visit. It was spine tingling! “You shall have a baby
boy. Name Him Jesus. He is the long awaited Messiah, the Son of the living God. He will save His people from their sins. And all people will call you blessed and honorable!”
“How can this happen?  I’m not married. I’m a virgin.”
“The power of the Holy Spirit will pass over you and you will become pregnant. This is a miracle!”
Mary saw the glow of angel dust, felt the fire of God's holy breath cover her.
She had to follow —no matter
She didn’t say, “Sorry. Find another sucker. I’m not going to do it. I’m just starting my life.  I have  rights!”
 She said yes!
 She had heard the stories of a long expected Messiah.
“Me? God chose be the mother of his only son?”
 But God was with Mary. The angel came and Joseph believed. 
Mary and Joseph traveled to Bethlehem—and the shepherds believed.

Wise men brought lavish gifts from afar—and believed.
Even King Herod believed-- and tried to kill baby Jesus.
Before we called her the Blessed Mother, before the baby Jesus was known as the Savior, before the gossip ended Mary said,
"My soul gives glory to the Lord.”

Luke 1:46

Great people say yes to God.

                                Great people give Him glory.

                                                   Great people are remembered—forever! 
Dear Lord, I want to follow you, no matter what. I say, yes!

Saturday, September 6, 2014

The Bullies

Day Five – Great People Give God Glory

The trap was set.  “Oh yeah, we’ve got the magic key in our hands. This law signed by Darius will take care of Daniel… bring him to ruin and end Darius’ plan to make Daniel the head honcho. Let’s sneak over to Daniel’s house and catch him praying. Ha Ha!”
The enemies of God’s man
roared with laughter. Daniel’s radical prayer life was about to back fire. The King had signed the decree, a law contrived by these governors, stating no one could

ask anything from anyone except Darius. Darius was pumped by the proclamation and quickly signed it.   
Daniel knew the law. He prayed anyway. To dishonor God was shameful. He couldn’t bear it.
Sneering messengers eagerly reported, “Your Majesty, you signed this law but guess who broke it? Oh yeah…your beloved Daniel.”
So Daniel was seized and thrown into the den of lions. But the king was sad. He didn’t sleep a wink all night. In the morning he sprinted to the lion’s den. “Daniel, did your God save you?”
“Your Majesty, my God has sent his
angels and shut the mouth of the lions.”
“Woo hoo!” shouted King Darius and without a second thought commanded the conspirators of Daniel to be thrown into the den of lions. Now what happened next is unbelievable—but it’s true!
Daniel’s once jeering enemies were now scared out of their wits. As soon as
they were pitched into the den, hungry lions devoured them in mid- air.   Their

bones rattled as they hit bottom!
Daniel was honored. His enemies were shamed, and the king made a decree that all nations should tremble before the God of Daniel.
” He alone is the living God, steadfast and sure. His kingdom is forever!”

Daniel 6:25-26
Daniel was bullied—too radical they said. But he was a leader—he made a
difference. So can you. Go for it!
Dear Lord, Help me. I want to honor You above all!