“As far as the east is from the west, so far does he remove our sins from us.”
Psalm 103:12 GNT
***Don't miss Macy's review before posting your own comment!
***Don't miss Macy's review before posting your own comment!
After reading the above scripture, does a picture of the earth come to mind? Do you see
the east and west of the planet and say, “Wow, that’s how far my sins are removed? They are that far away?” But where in this verse does the geographic range of your sins being removed refer to the earth? Read it again!
Why should we limit God’s desire to throw our sins away to just the eastern and western sphere of this planet? Rather, He removes them as far as the eastern galaxy—wherever that is, to the western galaxy—wherever that is. Why do we limit Him to just the earth?
How extravagant is His love for you! Your sins are removed beyond what the Hubble Space Telescope can ever find! He has chosen not to remember them. Why should you? If the Almighty can throw your sins into the vastness of the universe, isn’t that enough for you? Are you shouting yet? You should be.
“God is faithful and reliable. If we confess our sins,
he forgives them and cleanses us from everything we've done wrong.”
I John 1:8 GW
“I -- yes, I alone -- am the one who blots out your sins for my own sake
and will never think of them again.”
Isaiah:43:25 NLT
He’s calling your name. It’s time to party!
Dear Lord,
I will honor You today and believe that what I have confessed to You
is forgiven. If You choose not to remember my sins, then who am I
to remember them?
Review by Macy-

forgiveness, He gives it to us. I think that is
saying we should forgive and love other people
just as God did the same for us."
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