God’s Kindness
A condensed article by: Carol Weeks
“At one time we too were foolish, disobedient... We lived in malice and envy,
being hated and hating one another. But when the kindness and love
of God our Savior appeared He saved us...”
Titus 3:3-5a
I went back to school in my early thirties to become a court reporter. Most of the students were right out of high school
A group of six girls hung around together, ate lunch together, went to movies together and etc. They loved to get in a tight huddle and whisper and laugh. Sometimes one would look up and focus on somebody in the class, then turn back to the group with more whispers and laughter.
I kept hearing my name spoken throughout the day. Not liking it, I finally ventured to their little huddle and asked, “Are you talking about me?"
They were stunned – deer in the headlights kind of thing – and very quickly assured me that I was not the Carol they were talking about. It was the other Carol. I asked, “What’s the problem with her?”
Answering crabbily, “She’s trying to be the teacher’s pet. She always has the right answers, always had her homework done. She dresses weird too.”
Over time the snubbing increased. I tried to avoid the group and ignore their whispers.
One day in typing class, the ringleader of this clique forgot her carbon paper. Not the worst crime in the world, but the teacher was very strict. If you came unprepared you were dismissed from class for that day.
Frantic not to miss a class she called to her friends for help but no one in her little circle had any to spare.
About that time, Carol said, "I have some you can use." Much to everyone’s surprise, she handed her a piece of carbon paper. The whole room stopped and stared. This girl in particular had been very rude to Carol, and here was Carol offering her the very thing she needed. She took it, mumbling a quick thank you.
This is a picture of God’s grace, His kindness to you. He is calling your name today. Please--don't turn Him away.

Forgive me for snubbing you. I am not ashamed to call you my best friend.