‘Before the rooster crows today, you will disown me three times.’
And he went outside and wept bitterly.”
Luke 22:60-62 NIV
“Never, Lord! Never will I desert you. Even if everyone else does, I won’t.
I’m your man.”
Those were the words spoken by Peter before the handcuffs were slapped on Jesus and He was dragged away. Jesus knew. He knew that Peter would fail. He knew this disciple, whose feet He’d washed, would run like fire and ditch Him for his own selfish reasons. Three times, Peter swore “@#&*, I don’t know this Jesus!” Fleeing from the courtyard and the accusing faces, Peter crumbled to the ground and sobbed. He could never take back his words. How could he ever face Jesus again?
But Jesus had a plan. “Do you love Me, Peter? Are you sure you do? I’ll ask again.
Do you love Me?—Then feed my sheep.”
Three times, the Lord cancelled Peter’s sin. Three times, He gave direction. Three times, a new beginning was offered. All Peter had to do was say yes. And he did. Peter became a powerful leader in the early church. His very shadow brought healing. He didn’t stay stuck in his failure. He was forgiven and moved forward. The scripture below was written by Peter. Take it from one who knew!
“Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord.”
Acts 3:19 NIV
Dear Lord,
Forgive me for ________________. I will follow You.
We all make mistakes. I have. But God has forgiven me. He doesn't hold a grudge against us when we mess up. We sin a lot, but just turn to Him. Your faith in God will grow.
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