“For I am not ashamed of this Good News about Christ. It is the power of God at work, saving everyone who believes.”
Romans 1:16 NLT
The giant was a bully. He mocked—he laughed—at the young boy named David. But David held his slingshot at his side and looked into the jeering eyes of the giant. In his coat pocket were five smooth stones. Why five?—the giant had four brothers.
David was ready. God was with him—God was for him and God had already helped him kill a lion and a bear that went after his father’s sheep. Ha! God would do it again.
Goliath sneered at David. “You’re a joke, you little apple cheeked boy! I’m going to feed your flesh to the buzzards and to all the beasts of the forest. You’re gonna to be toast today!”
David shot back, unafraid and confident, “It's the God of the Armies of Heaven that you spit upon today. He will hand you over to me and I will cut… off…. your…. head! Oh yeah!”
Wow! And that’s exactly what happened. When Goliath’s army saw that their hero was dead they ran like crazy men to escape the fired up Israelites.
Do you have a bully who whispers intimidation? “Oh, who’s going to listen to you? You can’t talk about God at school. You’ll get in trouble…go to the office…embarrass your parents.”
Goliath was a bully. He tried to stop David by making him feel small. But David knew what God could do... and David spoke the truth.
You’re a David too. You know Jesus is the only help for your friends. Their situation is desperate but you hold the key. Refuse to be bullied, speak the truth--run with the King.
“I trust in God, so why should I be afraid? What can mere mortals do to me?"
Psalm 56:11 NLT
Dear Lord, I am not ashamed to talk about you. No one bullies You…no one bullies me either.
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