"You rejected the Lord's command, and he has rejected you as king of Israel."
I Samuel 15:26b (GNT)
Samuel whispered in King Saul’s ear. “God's given the order. Time to destroy the Amalekites. God remembers how cruel they were to His people."
“Sure, I’ll do all God’s says,” boasted Saul. “ Get rid of the Amalekites, their cattle, their king. I’m your man. You can count on me!”
But when the time of battle came, Saul eyed King Agag. He had an idea.
What a feather in my cap if I can capture this king and hold him for ransom. Just watch the man tremble. Oh, yeah, I’m the lean, mean, king!
While Israel was tramping all over her enemy, King Saul spied the cattle. Some of them were perfect. He had another idea.
Well now, who would fault me for taking the beautiful cattle and sacrificing them to God? I know God would like that…no, He’d love it! Old Samuel, he’s out of step. I’m king, not some child. Besides… God’s on my team!
But God, who never slumbers, saw it all. “Wake up Samuel. Saul has served me poorly. I have rejected him. Read Saul his rights…but tell him—it’s over!” And so it was.
Then God commanded a very sad Samuel, to smile again and anoint David as Israel’s next king—and he did!
People, filled with fabulous promise, start out great but when they disagree with God, they walk away. It makes me sad. I’ve watched men leave their families saying, “I just want to be free.” Oh, the pain!
I’ve seen teens scoff their parents. Suffering comes with that choice. It’s a slippery path spiraling downward. Oh, the regret!
You—are chosen for greatness. Run your race. Don’t doubt God. He’s in step with you. He’s for you.
You’re not a Saul. You know the secret to greatness
and so you follow, you serve—at all costs!
Dear Lord,
I’ll put my hand in yours. I will be great for you…when I walk with you today!
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