Monday, July 1, 2013

Just Believe

God's Given You a Dream - Just Believe!
***Please share your dreams with Hannah after you read her story.
“Ignoring what they said, Jesus told the synagogue ruler, ‘Don't be afraid; just believe.’"
Mark 5:36

     What will happen—really, if I don’t believe God has great plans for me? Won’t life go on as planned anyway? Isn’t luck a big part of the picture?  Just because I believe something won’t make it happen.
     But we’re talking about God’s Word. The Bible says  His thoughts for you are as many as the sand on the seashore  You are always on His mind.

      The Lord has given you dreams. You have an enemy who wants to take them away. His name is Satan. He wants you to feel small and insignificant. When you start believing that you’re a King’s kid and acting like one the devil gets running scared.

     Go in the direction of the dream God has placed in your heart.  Don’t be shy. If you like to sing, join the chorus group. If you like the theater, try out for a play. Even if you stink at what you want to do, do your best If you don’t get the part you want be good at the one you do get.Even if you stink at what you want to do, do your best. Try out for track or football or become part of a chess team.

     The sky is the limit. If you’re on the wrong track, don’t worry. The Lord will help you.
Take the plunge. Just believe!

                                           “See, I have placed before you an open door.”
                                                                 Revelation 3:8   
Dear Lord,
        I like being your kid. Let’s go places together. Let’s just do it, Lord!

Hannah’s story:

     I recently decided that I want to become a professional clarinetist. I just attended my second year at the Stetson University Clarinet Clinic. The first year, I was amazed at how many other people were just like me! I was inspired and worked to be a better player. This year was even more amazing. There were kids my age and younger who were so much more advanced. Now, I’m determined to do whatever it takes to flourish with the wonderful talent God has given me. I don’t care if people at my school call me nerdy or a band geek. That’s just the devil trying to discourage me from reaching my goal. With God on my side, I know I have the power to accomplish anything. You can have that power too - just ask the Lord to guide you. “Ask, and it shall be given to you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.” -Matthew 7:7

1 comment:

  1. I think that blog was so great! This is Annemarie, by the way. Long time no see or talk. Jesus loves you and so do I. Take care! :)
