Saturday, February 15, 2014

Greatness - Rejoices with Those Who Rejoice


             Greatness – Rejoices with Those Who Rejoice

Sue and Shirley had the inside scoop. They had helped count the votes for the senior superlatives—they knew!

They couldn’t wait to share this news with Elizabeth. The three of them had been friends for a long time.

“Hey Elizabeth, we know who got the senior superlatives. So and so got Most Likely to Succeed and so and so got Cutest Couple and so and so got Wittiest.”

On and on they went. Elizabeth was impressed but she wasn’t surprised at the choices. But—she was amazed when smiling Shirley piped up with, “And, Elizabeth, you missed getting wittiest by only a few votes.” 
“Me…really?” Elizabeth’s jaw dropped, but Sue looked as though she had just swallowed a canary. Sadly, Elizabeth realized that the girl she called her best friend didn’t want her to know! 

“Why, Lord? Why would she keep such happy, such encouraging news from me?” To be certain, Sue was no friend, not a true blue friend. Not a friend she could count on when it really mattered.

A great friend shouts hooray when others succeed. Jesus always cheers for you. When you succeed He says, “I’m not surprised. I knew what was in you all along. I created you!” He is your best friend, your greatest friend. This is what He says about Himself.

                       “Greater love has no one than this that he lay down his life for his friends”
                                                                       John 15:13

Elizabeth has become a cheerleader for her friends. I watch people run to Elizabeth and hear the whoop go up. Oh, yes, there’s another win for a child of God. One that Elizabeth had a part in. I watch her face, so glowing so alive she is!

Does Elizabeth see what God sees? Probably not. But the Almighty sees a girl who is light and free. He sees a girl who is great because she serves others with the love of God. He sees a daughter who looks a lot like Him and He shouts,

                               “She is glorious and beautiful. Her clothing is fashioned with gold 
                                                      and her name is engraved on my palms. She is mine!”
                                                                    Psalm 45:13 and Isaiah 49:16

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