Saturday, April 11, 2015

The Flashing--Fleeting Smile

Excellence in Kindness—All the Time
“A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.”
Proverbs 17:17

I was not on her cool list but once a year she flashed me a smile and called me by name. “Hi, Margie!”

And with that I was supposed—to vote for her. And with such recognition I should be honored by her condescension to my low estate—and
vote for her.

What’s your verdict? Do you think I voted for her and valued her brief moment of kindness? What would be your response? Would you label her—excellent? Perhaps you know someone like this. Now he may be cool on the campus but heaven has a totally different story.

“Child, my value system is not like the things you see in the winner's
circle. My standard of coolness and excellence is not found in popularity contests or Peoples Magazine. My eyes don’t focus on the number of your twitter followers, (I had twelve! Once I had a ton more but they all defriended Me.)  I look on the heart.”

“Well, Lord, what pleases you?”

 “So glad you asked! Here’s some on my list:
·         A friend who loves—all the time
·         One who is friendly with others—all the time
·         One who is humble and loves what is right—all the time
·         One who loves Me—all the time—and all the time—turns to Me when he makes a mistake.

That is excellence and greatness. That’s how I call it. I'm God... I don’t change… I’m always the same!
And I  love YOU—all the time--no matter what!”

Dear Lord,
Please show me how much you love me—all the time. Please Show me how to be a friend—all the time.

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