Saturday, June 21, 2014

The Award

The Award
“So do not give up your hope (in Jesus) which will be greatly rewarded.”
Hebrews 10:35
        Hannah couldn’t believe her eyes. Her picture flashed on the giant jumbo-tron and her name was echoed throughout the huge room filled with students from around the world...
Hannah...United States of America
 She had won a bronze medal for her science project. Slowly she made her way to the stage where she stood with others.  It was a dream come true.

It hadn‘t always gone well with Hannah. Over the course of four years she
had worked hard gathering data, keeping records and doing research. There
were times of discouragement…times of tears.

But Hannah liked her project. Every year she broadened her experiment.
She didn’t give up.
                       Didn’t get mad and throw a fit.
                                     Didn’t blame others  
                                                Didn’t throw a pity party

Did Hannah have to work this hard? True, a science project was scheduled
each school year but  she could have squeaked by with minimal effort. Who
would know? Who would care? And if anyone said something she'd have the perfect excuse.
·         The teacher didn’t like my project.
·         I’m not a science student.
·         I’m not the teacher’s pet.
·         So and so stole my idea.
·         Life’s not fair!
Consider this

     Thomas Edison made 1,000 attempts before the light bulb was a reality.

           Mother Theresa stated:“God has not called me to be successful. He has called me to be faithful.”

      Jase Robertson of Duck Dynasty made this observation regarding his daughter Mia who suffered from a cleft palate.
“True beauty is persevering with joy despite difficulties.”

Jesus Christ put gifts in you...more than you could ever imagine. 
He wants to reward you. 
He loves you...passionately!
He has good things in store for you. 
Don‘t lose heart.  Don’t have a pity party. 
Just call on God!  He will amaze you!

Dear Lord, Please help me finish strong!


  1. Nothing here short of wonderful encouragement. Thanks!

    1. Dear Elaine,
      Thank you for your encouraging note. So nice to hear from you!
