Saturday, December 27, 2014

The Talent Show?

God has a plan for you

The Talent Show?

“Get on your boots, Samuel. You’re going to Bethlehem to get a new king.”
“Aw shucks, Lord, are you sure King Saul has to be replaced?  You chose him. Saul was like a son to me. So what if he didn’t
obey you?”

“SAMUEL!  I am God. Don’t argue with ME! Get to the house of Jesse in Bethlehem. He has a son I’ve chosen to be the next king of Israel.”
So Samuel, the prophet of God, got going.
Jesse had seven sons and Samuel was going to pick the best one.
Samuel looked at the first son.

“This is easy. This guy’s got it all together. Walks like a king, built
like a king. My job is done!”
“Not so fast, Samuel. I don’t like his heart. He’s full of pride.”
“But Lord, he’s so strong and good looking too.”
“Samuel, he’s prideful. He can’t serve Me.”
So Samuel checked out each son and each one God—rejected.
Samuel scratched his beard. “Jesse, are these all your sons?”
“Well, I forgot to mention David.”
The brothers chirped up, “David? He’s just an errand boy…watches
a few sheep.”
“Bring him to me!” boomed the exhausted prophet.”
David came quickly and God spoke.

“David is the one. Anoint him. By the way, Samuel, I don’t see the
way people see. I see the heart.”
And David’s brothers stood gaping as Samuel poured the anointing oil upon their little brother’s head.
David wasn’t voted most likely to succeed.  He didn’t have a million followers. But David loved God with all his heart.
God had a plan for David.
God has a plan for you.
David’s heart was right with God.
Make sure your heart is right—with God.
The Lord is calling your name.

This is God’s commendation of David.

“I've searched the land and found this David, son of Jesse. He's a man whose heart beats to my heart, a man who will do what I tell him.”
Acts 13:22 MSG
Dear Lord, Give me a heart to love you. Thank you!

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