Saturday, January 24, 2015

The Friend

Understanding Your Worth and Value
God Has  Plan for You - Day Five

The Friend
“Just as lotions and fragrance give delight,
 a sweet friendship refreshes the soul.”
Proverbs 27:9 (The Message)

“You have a dream to do what? Dream on. It’ll never happen. Someone else
smarter, prettier, classier perhaps… but you…never!”
And you walk away sad. Sad not only because you think your friend is probably right but because one you called friend thought so little of you.

That’s no friend! A true friend sticks closer than a brother—looks out for you. A
good friend dreams along with you.  
This true friend is who you need to hang out with.
Not everyone is going to cheer you on when you share your dream. Don’t spend time with them. Don’t
struggle to get their approval. Move on. Ask God to give you a real friend. And He will!
The devil wants to shoot down God’s plans for your life. How better for him to do this than with someone you call friend. Walk away. It’s not God!
Barnabas – true blue
No one liked Paul or trusted he had really changed. Surely he would agree to the slaughter of more Christians. So they made no effort to meet him and hear of Paul’s wonderful vision of Jesus. They thought, “It’s just a trick to put more of us in prison.”
Barnabas paid them no mind. “I’m going to see for myself.”
And true friendship was born that day. But Barnabas didn’t stop there. He brought Paul to Jerusalem and introduced him to the leaders. Then—they believed.  
Barnabas went with Paul on his first missionary trip
and the two turned the world upside down for Jesus Christ.
Barnabas was nicknamed, “The Son of Encouragement.” He didn’t suck the life out of people. He poured into them.
He was a light and his eyes lit up when he met with others.
God has given you hopes and dreams. Stick with someone like Barnabas. Be
encouraged. One more thing—be—an encourager!
Dear Lord, I need a friend, a real friend. Someone like you. Thank you!

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